Asta Dekinienė
"A person who is inspired will always perform better than someone who is just looking for targets. If an employee goes to a client with inspiration, he creates a good energy field for new projects to emerge. Organisations that allow employees to emerge, to act from within, from intuition, gain a competitive advantage - they are able to offer high quality services, products and add value."

ASTA DEKINIENĖ is the Head of Distribution for Central and Eastern Europe at "Xerox", a technology company. The company is a pioneer and innovator, building bridges between physical and virtual information to meet the needs of different generations.
Asta has discovered the power of quality leisure and creative self-fulfilment. She believes that what we put into ourselves (in the broadest sense) is what we put back out into the environment. Asta aims to create a space in her company where employees share not only their work experiences but also their leisure time experiences, to build a stronger bond and learn from each other.
Asta Dekinienė is an alumna of HAI Institute.