Daiva Viskontienė

"After all the crises we've been through, we've always been "on the wave". I think one of the key reasons for this success is the people who are alive (aware) in the organisation. They have found their core, they act without delay, they don't sabotage their actions, they know their emotional side and they have the empathy to build a quality relationship with a colleague or a client. They know what they want out of life and align their personal aspirations with the organisation's growth perspective."

DAIVA VISKONTIENĖ is a businesswoman, entrepreneur, and for more than 10 years she has been the head of the information technology company "Business Machine Company" (BMK), which is part of the Atea group of companies.

A few years ago, BMK made a radical change by abandoning some of its indicators. This initiative came from people working in the organisation. Daiva says that during the traditional meetings, once a month, people do not present the indicators, but tell what experiences they have had with clients, share successes and lessons learned, and from all this, they are able to predict the right steps for the future.

Daiva has many years of experience working in the field of educational innovation. She is passionate about exploring new paradigms in teaching and learning, integrating innovative technologies into the education system.

Daiva Viskontienė is a member of the "Lithuanian Business Angel Network" (LitBAN) and an alumna of HAI Institute.